Paseos por Granada y sus Contornos o Descripcion de sus Antiguedades y Monumentos, Dados a Luz, etc. Tomo II

Juan de Echeverria / Granada: Valenzuela 1814
456 pp., bound in late 19th century full leather (hardcover), ex library, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: spain crn

Item #: 1315446

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Tupi Studies 1

David Bendor-Samuel, editor / Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma 1971
129 pp., Paperback, faint wear to cover edges, else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Tupi anthropology crn

Item #: 1289233


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Breve relacion de los dioses y ritos de la gentilidad por Don Pedro Ponce, Beneficiado que fue del Partido de Tzumpahuacan. Primera edicion

Pedro Ponce / Mexico: Imprenta del Museo Nacional 1892
small folio, [1] (title page), [5]-11 pp., self wrappers, margins tattered, good only. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: mexico crn

Item #: 1261787


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Personal Narrative of Explorations and Incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua, connectewd with the United States and Mexican Boundary Commission, durung the Years 1850, '51, '52, and '53. Two volumes

Bartlett, John Russell / NY: D. Appleton & Company 1856
2 volumes, the first being the 1856 issue and the second being the 1854 issue; now in six parts (each volume in three), uniformly bound in modern mustard cloth, 506 + 624 pp., folding map, 16 lithographic plates, illustrations within the text; book plate to the front paste down of each volume (Musuem of the American Indian), small embossment stamp to each title page, light old moisture stain to the bottom margin of the folding frontis. of the second volume and the succeeding plate, otherwise nominal or moderate marginal foxing to the plates; aside from a short closed tear near the stub, the map is in very good condition; Howes B201. Volumes Included: 2

Subject/Keywords: western americana crn

Item #: 1213684

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Orfebreria Prehispanica de Colombia. Estilos Tolima y Muisca. Texto & Laminas (Dos Tomos)

Perez de Barradas, Jose / Madrid 1958
2 volumes, 385 (text) + 20 (text), 287 (plates) pp., Hardcovers, book plate to the front paste down and embossment stamp to the title page of each volume, else very good in fragmentary dust jackets. Volumes Included: 2

Subject/Keywords: archaeology art colombia crn

Item #: 1211826


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AGRICULTURA ABORIGEN: y Cambios de Vegetacion en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Herrera de Turbay, Luisa Fernanda / AGRICULTURA ABORIGEN: y Cambios de Vegetacion en la Sierra Nevada de San 1985
258 pp., REBOUND in BUCKRAM (hardcover), ex library else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: crn anthropology

Item #: 1196623


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Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology Harvard University Memoirs, Volume IX. Archaeology of the North Coast of Honduras (1941). Archaeological Investigations in El Salvador (1944). Archaeology of Southern Veragus, Panama (1950)

Doris Stone; John M. Longyear III; Samuel K. Lothrop / Kraus Reprint Co. 1970
three items bound together, folio, 103 pp., frontis., 89 pp., frontis., plates, 116 pp., frontis.; green buckram (hardcover), very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: archaeology crn

Item #: 1194381


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Treaties between the Winnebago Indians and the United States of America, 1817-1856. (Colorado State College, Museum of Anthropology Miscellaneous Series, No. 1)

Fay, George E., comp. / Greeley: 1967
first edition, softcover, unpaginated but the text of 11 treaties with who signed and witnessed them, single page maps, no commentary; minor library markings, stapled into paper sides but the back cover now detached and chipped. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Winnebago Indians, treaties, CRN

Item #: 1192919


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ARACY LOPES DA SILVA / mec/mari/unesco 1995
575 pp., paperback, book plate inside the front cover, small embossment stamp to the title page, small scuff to base of spine else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 8590011011
Subject/Keywords: anthropology crn

Item #: 1171496


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A Wooden Image from Kentucky. (Indian Notes and Monographs, Volume 10, Number 7)

Pepper, George H.. / NY: Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, 1921
first edition; 16mo, [21] pp. 3 plates; softcover, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: American archaeology, Kentucky, CRN RRC

Item #: 1166350


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The Akuriyo of Surinam: A case of emergence from isolation (IWGIA document)

Peter Kloos / IWGIA 1977
31 pp., Paperback, previous owner's small name written on front cover else very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Surinam crn plk anthropology

Item #: 1147415


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A Study of Chiriquian Antiquities. Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences Volume 3

George Grant MacCurdy / New Haven: Yale University Press 1911
first edition; large quarto, xx, 240 pp., 49 plates, some of which are in color including the frontispiece, all have a facing text page not included in the pagination, single page map, illustrations within the text; original maroon cloth (hardcover), front free endpaper chipped, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Chiriqui, Panama, archaeology crn

Item #: 1140079


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Terra Ameriga. Numbers 5 to 43 (1965-1984)

Associazione Italiana Studi Americanistici / Genova: Associazione Italiana Studi Americanistici 1965
Nos. 5-45, an uninterrupted run of complete issues, #15/16 in photocopy, else all in original edition, well illustrated, minor ownership marks, overall very good. Volumes Included: 10

Subject/Keywords: crn native american anthropology ethnology

Item #: 1116722

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Gambling among the Yakima (Catholic University of America. Anthropological series)

Gerald Raymond Desmond / Catholic University of America 2009
facsimile reprint of the 1952 edition printed in 2009; 58 pp., softcover, NEW!!. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: anthropology typing room crn

Item #: 1103833


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Pautas de asentamiento agustinianas en el Noroccidente de Saladoblanco (Huila)

Leonardo Moreno Gonzalez / Fundacion de Investigaciones Arqueologicas Nacionales 1991
143 pp., Paperback, spine rough, minor library markings, else text and binding clean and tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 8433105310
Subject/Keywords: crn

Item #: 1098083


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Lopez Castano, Carlos Eduardo / Banco de la Republica, Bogota, Columbia 1991
125 pp. including folding plates, minor library markings, spine rough else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: crn archaeology

Item #: 1095885


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Arqueologia De San Agustin: Pautas De Asentamiento En El Canon Del Rio Granates-Saladoblanco (Investigaciones Arqueologicas Nacionales, 37)

Hector Llanos Vargas / Fundacion de Investigactiones Argueologicas Nacionales 1988
131 pp. including plates, some of which are folding or color, rebound in maroon buckram (hardcover), minor library markings else very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: crn archaeology

Item #: 1095882


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Os indios Palikur do rio Urucaua : tradicao tribal e protestantismo

Expedito Arnaud / Belém, Pará, Brasil : Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e 1984
82 pp., Paperback, cover slightly rubbed, spine bottom worn, bookplate to free endpaper, handstamp to few pages, else text clean and binding tight, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: crn

Item #: 1096134


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Os roceiros de Muana

Maria Jose Carvalho Brabo / Publicacoes Avulsas Do Museu Goeldi 1979
74 pp., Paperback, bottom of spine worn, bump to top corner, rear cover slightly rubbed, bookplate to front endpaper, else text clean and binding tight, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: crn

Item #: 1096132


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Geologia de algunos sitios arqueologicos

Tello Cifuentes, Hernan / Bogata, 1981 1981
112 pp., rebound in maroon buckram, minor library markings, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: anthropology archaeology crn

Item #: 1095117


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