Applying Pesticides: Management - Application - Safety

J. Howard Turner, ed. / Athens: Amer Assn for Vocational Instructional Materials 1976
this is the 1976 printing, 96 pp., quarto, very well illustrated in original pictorial paper covers, very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0914452509
Subject/Keywords: Pesticides csg

Item #: 1119430


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Geographischer Jahresbericht aus Osterreich. IX [&] X Jahrgang, etc.

Gustav Gotzinger & Norbert Krebs, eds. / Wien: Franz Deuticke 1911
first edition, volumes 9 & 10, each complete, illustrated with plates & maps, some folding, original paper covers slightly moisture stained & untrimmed as issued, overall very good. Volumes Included: 2

Subject/Keywords: geography geology botany csg

Item #: 1113567


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Aufzahlung der in Ungarn und Slavonien bisher beobachteten Gefasspflanzen. Nachtrage und Verbesserungen

August Neilreich / Wien: Wilhelm Braumuller 1870
first edition; xi, [i], 111 pp, tiny old moisture stain to lower margin, still a sound copy in original paper wrappers and entirely readable. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: botany, Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia, CSG

Item #: 1113559


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Tierische Parasiten. Bearbeitet von Prof. Dr. Erich Pieper. Mit 162 Holzschnitten.

Peiper, Erich, & F. Mosler / Wien: Alfred Holder 1904
second edition, 376 pp., paper covers darkened or soiled, spine covering chipped, text block untrimmed as issued & now disbound, good working copy. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: parasitology biology entomology csg

Item #: 1113005


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Mineralien Sammlungen: Ein Hand- und Hilfsbuch fur Anlage und Instandhaltung Mineralogischer Sammlungen. I. Tiel.

Wolfgang Brendler / Leipzig: Verlag von Wilhelm Engelman 1908
first edition, viii, 220, [12] (ads) pp., illustrated with figures in text, original cloth (hard covers), very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: geology mineralogy csg

Item #: 1111652


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Die Eiszeit. Mit 25 Abbildungen im Text, 3 Farbigen Tafeln und Einer Tabelle

F. E. Geinitz / Braunschweig: Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn 1906
first edition, 198, [2] (ads) pp., octavo, original paper covers soiled, minor ownership marks, else text & graphics clean. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: geology arctic csg

Item #: 1111642


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Biology (Reading With a Purpose Series)

Kellogg, Vernon / American Library Association 1925
40 pp., paperback, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: biology csg

Item #: 1104471


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Die Tiefenpsychologie hilft dem Seelsorger

E. Ringel , W. van Lun / Wien: Seelsorger-Verlag im Verlag Herder 1953
145 pp., Paperback, previous owner's hand stamp to 1/2 title page and inside cover, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: csg

Item #: 1087272


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Der Sternfreund: Mitteilungsblatt des Bundes der Sternfreunde. Band 1 Heft 1-3 (1936)

N/A. / Berlin-Frohnau: BDS 1936
first edition, vol. 1, complete in original paper covers with very tiny tears, illustrated, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: astronomy csg

Item #: 1088805


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Hypnosetherapie Und Psychosomatische Probleme

Volgyesi, Franz Andreas / Stuttgart: Hippokrates 1950
first edition, 203 pp., octavo, scattered small personal handstamps, else very good in original paper covers. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: psychology mental health hypnosis csg

Item #: 1088804


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Lebensgeschehen und Krankheit. Mit einem Geleitwort von Prof. Dr. Hans Much.

Carl Haeberlin / Leipzig: Verlag von Curt Kabitzsch 1926
first edition, xii, 144, [4] (ads) pp., original gilt stamped cloth (hard covers) slightly bowed, scattered pencil marginalia and personal hand stamps, overall good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: health medicine disease control csg

Item #: 1088803


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A Catalogue of the Staphylinidae of America North of Mexico (Coleoptera). Division of Agricultural Sciences, University of California, Special Publication 3015

Moore, Ian, Legner, E. F. / University of California 1975
514 pp., Paperback, covers slightly darkened, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: biology beetles entomology csg

Item #: 1089509


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Twenty-Third [through] Twenty-Seventh Biennial Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture to the Legislature of the State, for the Years 1921 and 1922 [through] 1929-1930

Kansas State Board of Agriculture / Topeka: Kansas State Board of Agriculture 1923
first editions, [xii], 622, & xvii, 682, & [xii], 704, & [xiv], 597, & [xvi], 669 pp., an uninterrupted run of complete volumes, very well illustrated, thick quartos, original gilt & blind stamped & decorated cloth (hardcovers), very minor ownership marks, overall very good-fine & seldom perused. Volumes Included: 5

Subject/Keywords: agriculture farming ranching food production home economics csg big sets

Item #: 1070660


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Transactions of the Illinois State Agricultural Society, with Reports from County Agricultural Societies, and Kindred Associations. Volume VII -- 1867-1868

John P. Reynolds. / Springfield: Illinois Journal Printing Office 1870
first edition, [xlviii], 710, [6] (two plates), xi (index) pp., folding frontis., large folding plan of the "Exposition Universelle de 1867 a Paris", thick quarto, original cloth (most of spine covering lost), else text very clean and seldom perused,. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: agriculture Illinois csg

Item #: 1088760


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Fourteenth Biennial Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture to the Legislature of the State, for the Years 1903 and 1904, etc., etc.

Kansas State Board of Agriculture / Topeka: Kansas Department of Agriculture 1905
first edition, [viii], 1037 pp., illustrated, very thick quarto, original gilt stamped cloth (hardcovers) slightly darkened or soiled, interior very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: agirculture farming ranching food production home economics csg Kansas

Item #: 1088761


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First Symposium on Representative Democracy. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 17-22 December 1962

Pan American Union. / Washington: Pan American Union. 1963
first edition, iii, [i], 28 pp., quarto, original paper covers, library marks, text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: inter-american relations government latin american csg

Item #: 1088755


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Freytags Reisekarte von Dalmatien, Bosnien und der Hercegovina. 2. Auflage

G. Freytag / Wien: G. Freytag & Berndt 1909
twelve panel folding topographical map., overall measures 21 3/8" x 22 7/8", very good in printed paper protector as issued. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Geography Austria-Hungary South Slavic CSG

Item #: 1088750


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California Agricultural Experiment Station Extension Service Bulletin #416 to #434

California. University. College of Agriculture / Berkeley?: University of California 1952
first edition, nos. 416-434, an uninterrupted run of complete issues, very well illustrated, minor ownership marks, overall very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: farming animal husbandry home economics ranching business csg

Item #: 1088741


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Bilder aus Welt- und Menschenleben. Feldpostausgabe aus "Gesammelte Aufsätze".

Rudolf Eucken / Leipzig: Verlag von Felix Meiner 1916
first separate printing, pp. [49]-102, quarto, original paper covers very slightly soiled at margins, text block unopened and untrimmed as issued, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: philosophy social theory csg

Item #: 1087204


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Die naturliche Ordnung der Wissenschaften. Grundgesetze der vergleichenden Wissenschaftslehre. Mit 25 Abbildungen im Text

Paul Oppenheim / Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer 1926
first edition, viii, 288 pp., quarto, moisture stain to spine & left margin of original paper covers, else very good & unopened. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: science csg

Item #: 1087169


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