In the Contintuum. Volume I Number I. 1973

Phyllis Seckler / Oroville: College of Thelema 1973
approx. 30 pp., softcover, fine. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: curiosa drm

Item #: 1315487


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Tomorrow. World digest of psychical research and occult studies. Vol. 2, No. 1, Autumn 1953

Eileen J. Garrett, editor / NY: Garrett Publications 1953
1953 pp., paperback, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: curiosa drm

Item #: 1306836


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Fate Magazine, June 1953, Volume 6, No. 6, Issue No. 39. Pagan Rites of May Day (cover). Special Saucer Report!

Robert N. Webster, editor / Clark Publishing Co. 1953
130 pp., original illustrated paper wrappers, covers rubbed, else good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0276553063
Subject/Keywords: curiosa drm

Item #: 1306835


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Fate Magazine November 1950, Volume 3 Number 7. Sea Serpents Do Exist (cover)

Robert N. Webster, editor / Clark Publishing Company 1950 (1950) 1950
98 pp., paperback, top corner of the front cover chipped, else near very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: curiosa drm

Item #: 1306834


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Fortean Times 27 FT27, Autum 1978

Robert JM Rickard, editor / London: Robert JM Rickard 1978
51 pp., paperback, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: curiosa drm

Item #: 1306833


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Search Magazine Issue No. 80, July 1968. Saucers from Earth; Jayne Mansfield Returns; The Brown Mountain Lights

Ray Palmer, editor / Palmer Publications Inc. 1968
94 pp., paperback, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: curiosa drm

Item #: 1306249


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The Searcher Vol. 3 No. 7, August 1962

Tom O'Neil, editor / Southern Pines: Psychic Observer, Inc. 1962
128 pp., paperback, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: curiosa drm

Item #: 1306247


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Heilige theomonistische Bibel: Authentische Fortsetzung und Vollendung der judischen und christlichen Bibeln und anderer heiligen Bucher. Illustriert mit Bildern von echten Photographien von Engeln

H. P. Holler, Louise Wilhelmine Vest Holler / Oberammergau: Verlag Heinrich Uhlschmid 1922
279 pp., 16 plates, mostly from photographs of spirits visiting people in this world; original printed boards, covers darkened, rear cover moderately soiled, base of spine chipped and lightly stained, minor imperfection to the front cover, slight horizontal rippling to the text and the plates, else good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: curiosa paranormal activity drm

Item #: 1283181

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The Return of the Kings; Facts about the Conspiracy for the Restoration of Monarchy in Central Europe, by X.7

X. 7 / London: E. Nash & Grayson 1925
222 pp., original red cloth (hardcover), very good in a worn and foxed dust jacket; "the writer is one whose name appears in the Almanach de Gotha". Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: drm anticommunism

Item #: 1273708


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One World or None: Prescription for Survival

Harris, Errol E. / Prometheus Books 1993
176 pp., Hardcover, minor bumping to 1 corner else very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0391038125
Subject/Keywords: drm

Item #: 1261186


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Apologie pour l'Ordre des Francs-Macons. Avec deux chansons composees par le Frere Americain

Laurent Natter; Francois Felix Nogaret; Benjamin Franklin / La Haye (The Hague) 1742
first edition; 7 leaves (title, dedication & table), 118 pp., 3 leaves (the Benjamin Franklin songs), frontis, in later plain gray paper wrappers, front cover detached but present, a printed leaf from an unknown other work bound in at the back; old faded ink signature to the title page, a few small age spots to the text, else internally near very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: masons free masonry freemasonry drm

Item #: 1204348

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Prophet Eshref and Other Short Stories: A Panorama of Psychic Adventures

Ersevin, Tsmail / Exposition Press of Florida 1984
inscribed by the author; vi, 74 pp., hardcover, very good in a lightly worn dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0682499749
Subject/Keywords: drm parapsychology occult

Item #: 1204193


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Testimony of Christ's Second Appearing, Exemplified By the Principles and Practice of the True Church of Christ. History of the Progressive Work of God, Extending from the Creation of Man to the "Harvest," etc. Fourth edition

Youngs, Benjamin S. & Green Calvin / Albany: United Society Called Shakers 1856
xxiv, 631, [1] pp., late 19th century full calf, light moisture rippling throughout and foxing throughout, however overall good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: shakers shaker religion drm

Item #: 1160031


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Ritual of the United Spanish War Veterans Adopted by the Ninth National Encampment, in Stated Convention Assembled at Atlantic City, New Jersey, September 9, 10, 11, 1912, etc. etc.

N/A. / United Spanish War Veterans 1938
first edition, 12mo, 84 pp., hardcover, ex library else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Fraternal Organizations Biography Ritual DRM

Item #: 1137106


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A Devil Visits Arabela: An unusual encounter with Radix Pedis Diaboli

Key, Jack D. / Rochester, Minnesota: Davies Print. Co. 1980
inscribed by the author; 12 pp., original printed paper wrappers, fine; a Sherlock Holmes story. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: lsd sherlockiana sherlock holmes drugs drm

Item #: 1132284


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Cosmic News No. 8, March-April

Howard Neuberger / Strongsville, Ohio: The Silence Group & The Christian 1960
8 pp., original illustrated stapled paper wrappers, very good; a flying saucer fanzine, so to speak. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: ufos flying saucer fanzines drm

Item #: 1123247


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Cosmic News No. 7, January-February

Howard Neuberger, editor / Strongsville, Ohio: The Silence Group & The Christian 1960
12 pp., original illustrated stapled paper wrappers, minor soiling to the front cover, else very good; a flying saucer fanzine, so to speak. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: ufos flying saucer fanzines drm

Item #: 1123246


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Strait is the Gate. A romance of the other life. Illustrated by Claire E. Berninger

Sigrid Odhner Sigstedt / Los Angeles 1941
104 pp., original spiral-bound paperback, covers soiled, else good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: mystical fiction drm

Item #: 1102902


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Jeune et Charite dans l' eglise latine, des origines au XIIe siecle en particulier chez saint Leon le Grand. Preface de Monseigneur Rodhain.

Guillaume, Alexander / S.O.S. 1954
190 pp., paperback, minor library markings else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: drm helath religion psychology

Item #: 1070075


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Melody Magic by W. H. Palmer, Robert Heller ... Magician, Mimic, and Musician. Compiled by H. L. Clapham. With a biographical sketch of the composer by H. R. Evans, etc.

Palmer, William Henry / Washington: Harry L. Clapham 1932
first edition, limited to 1000 numbered copies, of which this is copy #424; quarto, approx. 100 pp., original red cloth, tips slightly worn, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: magic magicians music drm

Item #: 1058203


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