Niederwil, eine Siedlung der Pfyner Kultur. Band I: Die Grabungen; Band II: Beilagen; Band III: Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen

H. T. Waterbolk & W. van Zeist, editors / P. Haupt 1978
Vols. 1-3, hardcovers, ex library, else text clean & bindings tight. Volumes Included: 3

ISBN: 3258024251
Subject/Keywords: hjj anthropology ethnology

Item #: 1313762

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The Neolithic Settlement at Danilo Bitinj. The results of explorations performed in 1953. Supplements

Josip Korosec / Zagreb 1959
114 plates, [3] (text) pp., rebound in green buckram (hardcover), ex library, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: archaeology hjj

Item #: 1313761


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Culture and Economy. The Valayar of South India Volume II

E. Desingu Setty / Inter-India Publications 1990
281 pp., plates; hardcover, ex library, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 8121002397
Subject/Keywords: hjj anthropology ethnology economics

Item #: 1313760


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Culture, self, and adaptation: The psychological anthropology of two Malayo-Polynesian groups in Taiwan

Mu-chu Mutsu Hsu / Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica 1991
136 pp., REBOUND IN CLOTH (hardcover), ex library else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 9579046794
Subject/Keywords: anthropology hjj

Item #: 1299280


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Essays on the Economic Anthropology of Liberia and Sierra Leone

Vernon R Dorjhan, Barry L Isaac / Philadelphia: Institute for Liberian Studies 1979
283 pp., rebound in cloth (hardcover), ex library else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: , anthropology, Liberia Sierra Leone hjj

Item #: 1285481


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Ethnographic Film, Aesthetics and Narrative Traditions. Proceedings from NAFA II

Crawford, Peter Ian, Simonsen, Jan Ketil (eds.) / Intervention Press 1992
x, 251 pp., paperback (SAME ISBN), minor library markings else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 8789825012
Subject/Keywords: anthropology ethnography hjj tzbw

Item #: 1224989


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Historia de los Incas. I: La fundacion del reino de los Incas y su primer rey. II: La sucesion de los Incas, su numero, sus titulus e insignias reales (Primera & Segunda Partes)

Elisabeth della Santa / Arequipa, edicion de la autora 1969
3 volumes in one binding, 115, 231, 244 pp., each part limited to 500 copies, bound in teale buckram (hardcover), ex library, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: archaeology anthropology latin america hjj

Item #: 1212551


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The Ukrainian Folk Ballad in Canada (Immigrant Communities & Ethnic Minorities in the United States and Canada, No. 65)

Klymasz, Robert Bogdan / AMS Press, Inc. 1990
332 pp., Hardcover, ex library, else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0404194753
Subject/Keywords: ballads music ethnography ukraine canada hjj

Item #: 1206285


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Diversidad Cultural Argentina (Spanish Edition)

Aizen, Helena, Muro, Claudio Tam / Ediciones Theoria 1998
83 pp., Hardcover, rebound in buckram with softcover retained, ex library else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 9879048210
Subject/Keywords: hjj anthropology

Item #: 1198234


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Nabaloi Law and Ritual. (University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Volume 15, No. 3)

C. R Moss / University of California Press 1920
first edition, pp. 207-342 plates, REBOUND IN BUCKRAM (hardcover), ex library else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: anthropology hjj

Item #: 1195043


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El mito mexicano de Las Edades (Spanish Edition)

Luis Barjau / Miguel Angel Porrua 1998
192 pp., hardcover, rebound in cloth with softcover retained, ex-library, text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 9688428108
Subject/Keywords: hjj

Item #: 1193363


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Cem Anos De Antropologia Em Coimbra, 1885-1985

Universidade de Coimbra, Museu e Laboratorio Antropologico. / Coimbra: Museu e Laboratorio Antropologico 1985
261 pp., copiously illustrated; rebound in buckram (Hardcover), ex library, else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: anthropology hjj

Item #: 1192837


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Alasia III. Les Objets Des Niveaux Stratifies D'enkomi: (Fouilles C.F.-A. Schaeffer 1947-1970) ISBN: 2865380548 (Mission archeologique d'Alasia; tome VI)

Jacques-Claude Courtois, Lenia Aristidou, Androula Lanitou / Editions Recherche sur les civilisations 1984
244 pp., rebound in cloth (Hardcover), ex library, else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: anthropology hjj

Item #: 1192839


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The farmers of a city state: The Chinese smallholders of Singapore (Anthropology Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association)

Koninck, Rodolphe de / Universite Laval 1973
125 pp., rebound in buckram with the original paper wrappers retained (hardcover), ex library, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: anthropology hjj

Item #: 1192863


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Nayiu xindeku nuu Ndaa Vico Nu'u: Tutua Ka'anxi kuenda sakuni sa sandaa ini nayiu Nuu Dau. Los habitantes del Lugar de las nubes: una minima presentacion de creencias mixtecas

Alavez Chavez, Raul G / Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropologia Social 1997
226 pp., Paperback, ex library, else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 9684963335
Subject/Keywords: anthropology hjj

Item #: 1192843


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Homenaje a Jeronimo Molina Garcia

Jeronimo Molina Garcia / Caja Murcia, Obra Cultural 1990
315 pp., rebound in cloth with the original paper wrappers retained (hardcover), ex library, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 8487408133
Subject/Keywords: anthropology archaeology hjj

Item #: 1192851


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Le solidarieta: La cultura materiale in linguistica e in antropologia : atti del seminario di Lecce, novembre-dicembre 1996 (Pubblicazioni del ... dell'Universita di Lecce)

Salvatore D'Onofrio, Riccado Gualdo / Congedo 1998
313 pp., Paperback, ex library, else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 888086209X
Subject/Keywords: anthropology hjj

Item #: 1192852


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Modernitat als Tradition: Von den Crew-Men der Kustenboote zur "Ethnie" der Kru : ethnographische Notizen von der Elfenbeinkuste (Spektrum) (German Edition)

Ofner, Ulrike / Breitenbach 1992
109 pp., rebound in cloth with original paper wrappers retained (hardcover), ex library, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 388156540X
Subject/Keywords: ethnology hjj

Item #: 1192864


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Sozio-okonomische Ursachen der Migration turkischer Arbeitskrafte (Veroffentlichungen aus dem Ubersee-Museum Bremen) (German Edition)

Leopold, Ulrich / Ubersee-Museum Bremen 1978
192 pp., rebound in buckram with the original paper wrappers retained (hardcover), ex library, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 3882990147
Subject/Keywords: Economics, politics hjj

Item #: 1192865


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Pyramidstaden. Studier Och Forskningar, Vardagsliv Och Fest I Fornmexicos Heliga Stad, Teotihuacan

Sigvald Linne / Medens Forlags Aktiebolag 1942
63 pp., pam bound with the original front paper wrappers retained, ex library, else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: anthropology hjj

Item #: 1192804


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