Positivism and Sociology: Explaining Social Life

Halfpenny, Peter / Unwin Hyman 1982
141 pp., paperback, previous owner's name to front free endpaper else very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0043000851
Subject/Keywords: Sociology m99

Item #: 1317627


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Psychological life: From science to metaphor

Robert D Romanyshyn / University of Texas Press 1982
209 pp., hardcover, previous owner's name to front free endpaper, minor notations to 1 page in the index else very good in a lightly worn dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0292764731
Subject/Keywords: psychology m99

Item #: 1317626

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Mind, Modality, Meaning, and Method

R. M. Martin / State Univ of New York Press 1984
304 pp., Paperback, previous owner's name to half-title page else very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0873957229
Subject/Keywords: m99 philosophy

Item #: 1317628


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Aspects of Philosophical Logic: Some Logical Forays into Central Notions of Linguistics and Philosophy (Synthese Library, 147)

Monnich, Uwe / Reidel 1981
290 pp., hardcover, previous owner's name to front free endpaper else very good in a very good dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 9027712018
Subject/Keywords: m99 philosophy Linguistics

Item #: 1317622


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Meaning and Mind: An Examination of a Gricean Account of Language

Avramides, Anita / Bradford Books 1989
216 pp., hardcover, previous owner's name to front free endpaper, a few page corners bent else text clean & binding tight in a lightly worn else very good dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0262011085
Subject/Keywords: Language cognition m99

Item #: 1317620


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Natural language understanding and logic programming: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming, Rennes, France, 18-20 September, 1984

Dahl, Veronica / Elsevier 1985
243 pp., hardcover, several page corners bent else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0444877142
Subject/Keywords: Natural language logic linguistics m99

Item #: 1317619


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Mood and Modality (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics)

Palmer, F. R. / Cambridge University Press 1986
256 pp., paperback, previous owner's name to half-title page, several page corners bent, MINOR underlining and marginalia to about 5 pages else very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0521319307
Subject/Keywords: Linguistics m99

Item #: 1317618


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Linguaggi nella societa' e nella tecnica. Convegno promosso dalla Ing.C. Olivetti & C. , S. p. A. per il centenario della nascita di Camillo Olivetti. Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnica.

Various / Milano, Edizioni 1970
608 pp., paperback, previous owner's name to half-title page, underlining and marginalia to several pages else good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: linguistics m99

Item #: 1317615


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Computations from the English: A Procedural Logic Approach for Representing and Understanding English Texts

Simmons, Robert F. / Prentice Hall 1983
308 pp., hardcover, previous owner's name to front free endpaper, several page corners bent, underlining and marginalia to a few pages else good+. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0131646400
Subject/Keywords: logic communication m99

Item #: 1317612


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Questions and Answers (Linguistic Calculation, 1)

Kiefer, F. / Reidel 1983
First edition, first printing, 306 pp., hardcover, previous owner's name to front free endpaper, several page corners bent else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 9027715033
Subject/Keywords: Linguistics m99

Item #: 1317611


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The grammar of adverbials: A study in the semantics and syntax of adverbial constructions (North-Holland linguistic series ; 16)

Bartsch, Renate / Elsevier 1976
390 pp., hardcover, previous owner's name to front free endpaper, underlining and marginalia to preface and table of contents else very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0444109641
Subject/Keywords: grammar linguistics m99

Item #: 1317609


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Frontiers of Paraconsistent Logic (STUDIES IN LOGIC AND COMPUTATION)

Batens, D / Research Studies Press 2000
350 pp., hardcover, very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0863802532
Subject/Keywords: Logic COMPUTATION m99

Item #: 1317608


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Roots of Neuro Linguistic Programming

Dilts, Robert / Meta Pubns 1983
109 pp., hardcover, very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0916990125
Subject/Keywords: NeuroLinguistic Programming m99

Item #: 1317606


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Communication and Behavior

Hanneman, Gerhard J., Berlo, David Kenneth, McEwen, William J. / Addison Wesley Publishing Company 1975
442 pp., paperback, previous owner's name to preface page, several page corners bent, underlining and marginalia to several pages, a good reading copy only. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0201027453
Subject/Keywords: Communication m99

Item #: 1317603


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Text und Kommunikation: E. linguist. Einf. in d. Funktionen d. Texte (German Edition)

Grosse, Ernst Ulrich / Kohlhammer 1976
164 pp., paperback, previous owner's name to front free endpaper, MINOR underlining to 3 pages else very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 3170016008
Subject/Keywords: communication m99

Item #: 1317602


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Processing Communication: Information Processing in Intrapersonal Communication.

Goss, Blaine / Wadsworth Pub Co 1982
130 pp., paperback, previous owner's name to half-title page, underlining and marginalia to several pages, a good reading copy. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0534010105
Subject/Keywords: Communication m99

Item #: 1317600


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The Human Factor: An Inquiry into Communication and Consciousness

Thompson, John W. / Coleman Publishing, Incorporated 1983
286 pp., paperback, previous owner's name to title page, several page corners bent, underlining and marginalia to about 25 pages, a good reading copy. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Communication m99

Item #: 1317598

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On Quine: New Essays

Leonardi, Paolo, Santambrogio, Marco / Cambridge University Press 1995
First edition, first printing,372 pp., hardcover, previous owner's name to front free endpaper else fine in a very good dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0521470919
Subject/Keywords: Quine m99 philosophy

Item #: 1317592


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Perception and Cognition: Issues in the Foundations of Psychology (Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science)

Savage, Wade C., Minnesota University Center for Research in Human Learning, Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science, Savage, C. Wade / Univ of Minnesota Press 1978
502 pp., hardcover, previous owner's name to front free endpaper, underlining and marginalia to 9 pages else good+. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0816608415
Subject/Keywords: Perception Cognition Psychology m99 philosophy

Item #: 1317591


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Logic Counts (Reason and Argument, 3)

Zarnecka-Bialy, E. / Kluwer 1990
First edition, first printing, 244 pp., hardcover, previous owner's name to front free endpaper, minor underlining and marginalia to 3 pages else very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0792309421
Subject/Keywords: m99 philosophy

Item #: 1317586


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