Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

Douglas R. Hofstadter / Basic Books 1979
First edition, 12th printing, 776 pp., Hardcover, previous owner's name to front free endpaper else very good in a chipped and lightly faded dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0465026850
Subject/Keywords: math philosophy physics td4 tzbw

Item #: 1318118


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Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)

Paul R. Halmos / Springer 1974
First Springer printing; viii, 200 pp., hardcover, light wear to cover edges else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0387900934
Subject/Keywords: td4 mathematics

Item #: 1315732


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Constructive Combinatorics. Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics

Stanton, Dennis, White, Dennis / Springer 1986
first edition, first printing, 204 pp., Hardcover, fine. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0387963472
Subject/Keywords: Mathematics td4 mm4

Item #: 1315577


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Simple Groups of Lie Type (Pure & Applied Mathematics)

Roger W. Carter / John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1972
first edition, first printing, 328 pp., hardcover, previous owner's name to front free endpaper, top edge of pages is lightly age-toned else very good in a lightly chipped and worn dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0471137359
Subject/Keywords: td4 mathematics

Item #: 1314421

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Brown, Kenneth S. / Springer 1998
First edition, first printing, 215 pp., Hardcover, very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0387968768
Subject/Keywords: td4 mathematics

Item #: 1313094


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Opere scelte: a cura dell'Unione matematica italiana (published in 2004)

Giuseppe Tallini / Edizioni Cremonese 2004
549 pp., paperback, bump to lower corner of pages, else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: td4 mathematics

Item #: 1310749


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Price with promotion code: $58.93

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q-Clan Geometries in Characteristic 2 (Frontiers in Mathematics)

Cardinali, Ilaria, Payne, Stanley E. / Birkhauser 2007
180 pp., paperback, publisher's bookplate to verso of front cover else fine. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 3764385073
Subject/Keywords: td4 tzbw

Item #: 1310888


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Solutions Manual for Graph Theory and its Applications

Gross, Jonathan L., Yellen, Jay / CRC 1999
65 pp., softcover, very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0849317975
Subject/Keywords: td4 mathematics

Item #: 1310276


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The theory of groups;: An introduction (Allyn and Bacon series in advanced mathematics. Second edition

Joseph J Rotman / Allyn and Bacon 1973
2nd edition, 342 pp., hardcover, faint wear to cover edges else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: td4 mathematics

Item #: 1310292


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Geometrical Optics (Applied Physics & Engineering Series, Vol 9)

Zimmer, Hans-Georg / Springer 1970
171 pp., Hardcover, very good in a lightly worn dust jacket. TEXT IN ENGLISH. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0387047719
Subject/Keywords: Geometrical Optics td4 mathematics

Item #: 1310303


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Enigmas of Chance: An autobiography

Kac, Mark / Univ of California Pr 1987
163 pp., paperback, very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0520059867
Subject/Keywords: td4 mathematics

Item #: 1310275


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Combinatorial Group Theory: Presentations of Groups in Terms of Generators and Relations

Magnus, Wilhelm / Dover Pubns 1976
480 pp., Paperback, very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0486632814
Subject/Keywords: td4 mathematics

Item #: 1310282


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Price with promotion code: $11.11

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Counterexamples in Topology

Steen, Lynn A., Seebach, J. Arthur / Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. 1970
First edition, first printing, xiii, 210 pp., Hardcover, previous owner's name to front free endpaper else very good in a worn dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0030794854
Subject/Keywords: td4 mathematics

Item #: 1310289


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Schubert, Horst, Moran, Siegfried / Macdonald 1968
358 pp., hardcover, very good in a chipped and lightly worn dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0356020770
Subject/Keywords: Topology td4 mathematics

Item #: 1310291


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Proof, Logic, and Conjecture: The Mathematician's Toolbox

Robert S. Wolf / W. H. Freeman 1998
427 pp., Hardcover, wear to 2 lower corners else near fine. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0716730502
Subject/Keywords: td4 mathematics

Item #: 1310294


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Price with promotion code: $49.76

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Finite Groups and Finite Geometries (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 78)

Tsuzuku, T., Sevenster, A., Okuyama, T. / Cambridge University Press 1982
First edition, first printing, 352 pp., Hardcover, very good in a chipped and worn dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0521222427
Subject/Keywords: td4 mathematics

Item #: 1310297


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Basic Matrix Algebra with Algorithms and Applications (Chapman Hall/CRC Mathematics Series)

Robert A. Liebler / Chapman and Hall/CRC 2002
264 pp., Paperback, fine. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 1584883332
Subject/Keywords: td4 mathematics

Item #: 1310306


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Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries

M. Helena Noronha / Prentice Hall 2002
First edition, first printing, 409 pp., Hardcover, a faint crease to the front cover else fine. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 013033717X
Subject/Keywords: Geometry, td4 mathematics

Item #: 1310311


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Price with promotion code: $55.57

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Who Gave you the Epsilon? & Other Tales of Mathematical History (Spectrum)

Marlow Anderson , Victor Katz , Robin Wilson / The Mathematical Association of America 2009
433 pp., Hardcover, very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0883855690
Subject/Keywords: td4 mathematics

Item #: 1310314


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Price with promotion code: $27.05

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Designs, Graphs, Codes and their Links. London Mathematical Society Student Texts 22

Cameron, P. J., Lint, J. H. van / Cambridge University Press 1991
252 pp., Paperback, light wear to covers, minor marginalia to ONE page, small hand stamp to half-title page else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0521423856
Subject/Keywords: td4 mathematics

Item #: 1310318


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Price with promotion code: $7.48

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