Roman Group Portraiture. The funerary reliefs of the late reprublic and early empire

Diana E. E. Kleiner / Garland 1977
270 (text) pp., 96 plates; hardcover, fine. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0824027035
Subject/Keywords: art sculpture classical antiquity bfd

Item #: 1307212

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Selinus I, 2 Bde.

Dieter Mertens / von Zabern 2003
2 vols., hardcovers, NEW!!. Volumes Included: 2

ISBN: 3805332483
Subject/Keywords: archaeology classical antiquity bfd

Item #: 1307211

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Greek Footwear and the Dating of Sculpture (Wisconsin Studies in Classics)

Morrow, Katherine Dohan / University of Wisconsin Press 1985
261 pp., hardcover, fine in a fine dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0299101908
Subject/Keywords: fashion footwear classical antiquity bfd

Item #: 1307210


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Heraion: Alla Foce Del Sele I. Il Santuario, Il Tempio Della Dea, Rilievi Figurati Varii. L'Architettura Del Tempio. II: Il Primo Thesauros

P. Zancani Montuoro, U. Zanotti-Bianco, Friedrich Krauss / La Libreria Dello Stato 1951
1951 & 1954 text & plates volumes, 4 vols., 211, [1] + 390, [1] pp., + the two plates volumes; original white cloth (hardcovers), margins of the second text volume's covers foxed, else very good. Volumes Included: 4

Subject/Keywords: art classical antiquity bfd

Item #: 1307206

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Les terres cuites architecturales. La sculpture decorative en terre cuite. Fouilles de Delphes Tome II: Topographie et Architecture

Christian Le Roy; Jean Ducat / EC FR ATHENES 1967
307 (text) pp., 135 plates; minor library markings, else very good in a board portfolio. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 2869584202
Subject/Keywords: archaeology classical antiquity bfd

Item #: 1307204

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Describing Greece: Landscape and Literature in the Periegesis of Pausanias (Greek Culture in the Roman World)

Hutton, William / Cambridge University Press 2005
388 pp., hardcover, fine in a fine dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0521847206
Subject/Keywords: classical antiquity bfd

Item #: 1307201


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The City Eleusinion (The Athenian Agora XXXI)

Miles, Margaret M. / American School of Classical Studies at Athens 1998
264 pp., 40 plates; hardcover, NEW!!. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0876612311
Subject/Keywords: archaeology classical antiquity bfd

Item #: 1307196


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L'Architecture de l'Argolide aux IVe et IIIe Siecles Avant J.-C. Texte et Planches

Georges Roux / Paris: E. de Boccard 1961
2 vols., 483 (text) pp., 100 plates; hardcovers, fine. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: architecture classical antiquity bfd

Item #: 1307197

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La Tomba Del Tuffatore: La Scoperta Della Grande Pittura Greca

Marion. Napoli / De Donato Editore 1970
212 pp., Hardcover, fine in a very good dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: archaeology classical antiquity bfd

Item #: 1307202


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E architektonike tou Parthenonos A: pinakes (transliterated from the Greek)

Anastasios K. Orlandos / Athenais Archailogike Hetaireia 1976
103 pp., hardcover, fine; text in Greek. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: architecture ancient greece classical antiquity bfd office

Item #: 1307191

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Capturing Troy: The Narrative Functions of Landscape in Archaic and Early Classical Greek Art

Hedreen, Guy Michael / University of Michigan Press 2002
312 pp., hardcover, slight spine slant, else very good in a very good dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0472111639
Subject/Keywords: classical antiquity bfd

Item #: 1307183


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Fouilles de Delphes. Tome II. Topographie et architecture. Le tresor des Atheniens (Texte)

Jean Audiat / Paris: E. de Boccard 1933
text volume only, the portfolio of additional plates not present; folio (leaves 32.5 cm. tall), [viii], 109, [2] pp., figures in text and some full page and not included in the pagination, 17 plates at the end; unprinted paper wrappers soiled and tattered, damp staining at margins including the plates, partially disbound, a working copy only. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: archaeology classical antiquity bfd

Item #: 1307170

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The Greeks and Their Eastern Neighbours

Dunbabin, T. J. / Ares Pub 1979
96 pp., plates; HARDCOVER, very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0890053170
Subject/Keywords: classical antiquity bfd greece greek

Item #: 1307179


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La Colonne des Naxiens et le Portique des Atheniens. Fouilles de Delphes II: Topographie et architecture

Pierre Amandry / Paris: E. de Boccard 1953
128 (text) pp., 51 plates; original printed paper wrappers, spine worn, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: archaeology classical antiquity bfd

Item #: 1307159


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Etudes Thasiennes Tome 1: Le sanctuaire et le culte d' Heracles a Thasos

Marcel Launey / Paris: E. de Boccard 1944
257, [1] pp., 18 plates; original printed paper wrappers, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: archaeology classical antiquity bfd

Item #: 1307158


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Dachterrakotten aus Campanien, mit Ausschluss von Pompei

Herbert Koch / Berlin: Georg Reimer 1912
99 (text) pp., 35 plates; original cloth (hardcover), very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: archaeology classical antiquity bfd office

Item #: 1307157


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Profiles of Western Greek Mouldings. Text & Plates. Papers and Monographs of the American Academy in Rome Volume XIV

Shoe, Lucy T. / American Academy in Rome 1952
2 vols., octavo text volume: xvi, 191 (text) pp., plates + elephant folio plates volume; original red paper wrappers and paper portfolio, covers faded, the portfolio is worn at the edges, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: architecture classical antiquity bfd office

Item #: 1307153


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The tomb of Nakht: The art and history of an eighteenth dynasty official's tomb at Western Thebes

Shedid, Abdel Ghaffar / Philipp von Zabern 1996
83 pp., hardcover, fine. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 3805318944
Subject/Keywords: classical antiquity bfd

Item #: 1307147


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The Neolithic and Bronze Ages. The Athenian Agora Volume XIII

Immerwahr, Sara Anderson / American School of Classical Studies at Athens 1971
286 (text) pp., color frontis., 92 plates; hardcover, fine. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0876612133
Subject/Keywords: art classical antiquity bfd

Item #: 1307145

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Periklean Athens and Its Legacy: Problems and Perspectives

Barringer, Judith M., Hurwit, Jeffrey M., editors / University of Texas Press 2005
330 pp., hardcover, fine in a fine dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0292706227
Subject/Keywords: classical antiquity bfd

Item #: 1307143


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