Werke und Briefe Historisch-kritische Gesamtausgabe Bd. 1 Gedichte bis 1834

Nikolaus Lenau; Herbert Zeman; Michael Ritter; Helmut Brandt / Klett-Cotta 1995
619 pp., Hardcover, embossment stamp to front free end paper, else fine in very good dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 3216301419
Subject/Keywords: fbs

Item #: 1211062


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Selbstgefuhl: Ein Charaktergemalde in funf Aufzugen

August Klingemann; Manuel Zink / Wehrhahn 2013
116 pp., Paperback, very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 3865253504
Subject/Keywords: fbs

Item #: 1211061


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Mein guter Herr von Cotta: Friedrich Gerstackers Briefwechsel mit dem Stuttgarter Cotta-Verlag. Eine Briefedition

Friedrich Gerstacker; Karl J Roth / Braunschweig: Friedrich-Gerstacker 1992
70 pp., Hardcover, embossment stamp to front free end paper, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: fbs

Item #: 1211058


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Charles Sealsfield: "The Greatest American Author". A Study of Literary Piracy and Promotion in the 19th Century

Nanette M. Ashby / Nanette M. Ashby 1980
77 pp., Paperback, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: fbs

Item #: 1211057


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Samtliche Werke. Bande 1-25, 27, 29, 31

Charles Sealsfield / Olms 1972
28 volumes, hardcovers, volumes 1-10 are ex library, the balance are clean and very good. Volumes Included: 28

Subject/Keywords: german literature big sets fbs

Item #: 1178309

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The German image of America: Is there any there there?

Sammons, Jeffrey L / Oberlin College 1995
25 pp., paperback, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: fbs

Item #: 1207978


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Gustav Freytag (1816-1895): Literat - Publizist - Historiker (Veroffentlichungen Der Historischen Kommission Fur Thuringen) (German Edition)

Hahn, Hans-Werner, Oschmann, Dirk, Arlt, Peter, Bottcher, Philipp, Burger, Susan, Fulda, Daniel, Hopp, Andrea, Kraus, Hans-Christof, Maurer, Michael, Oesterhelt, Anja, Sprengel, Peter, Stenzel, Burkkard, Stockinger, Claudia / Bohlau Verlag 2016
295 pp., Hardcover, fore edge smudged, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 3412503681
Subject/Keywords: fbs

Item #: 1207975


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Diktatoren im Kino: Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler, Goebbels, Stalin

Demetz, Peter / Zsolnay-Verlag 2019
253 pp., hardcover, fine in very good dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 3552059288
Subject/Keywords: fbs german history

Item #: 1207971


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Heine-Bibliographie 1983-1995 (Personalbibliographien Zur Neueren Deutschen Literatur) (German Edition)

Wilamowitz-Moellendorf, Erdmann von, Mahlpfordt, Gunther / J.B. Metzler 1997
409 pp., Hardcover, embossment stamp to front free endpaper, very minor marginalia to text, else very good in edge worn dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 3476015610
Subject/Keywords: fbs german literature

Item #: 1207964


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Charles Sealsfield und der transatlantische Austausch im 19. Jahrhundert

Wynfrid Kriegleder, Alexander Ritter / Praesens 2018
215 pp., paperback, very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 3706909944
Subject/Keywords: fbs

Item #: 1207963


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Charles Sealsfield, Friedrich Gerstacker, Karl May und andere: Ubersetzungen, Bearbeitungen, Adaptionen

Wynfrid Kriegleder, Alexander Ritter / Praesens 2014
400 pp., paperback, very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 370690764X
Subject/Keywords: fbs

Item #: 1207961


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Werke. 1. Gedichte, Spanisches Liederbuch, Italienisches Liederbuch, Italienische Novellen, Troubadour-Novellen. 2. Moralische Novellen, Novellen

Paul Heyse. Bernhard & Johanna Knick, Hildegard Korth, editors / Insel 1980
2 volumes, 608 + 584 pp., hardcovers, embossment stamp to the front free endpaper of each volume, else very good. Volumes Included: 2

Subject/Keywords: german literature fbs

Item #: 1207747


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Encyclopedia of the Novel (2 Volumes)

Schellinger, Paul, editor / Routledge 1998
2 volumes, 1613 pp., Hardcovers, fore edges smudged, else texts clean & bindings tight. Volumes Included: 2

ISBN: 1579580157
Subject/Keywords: literature criticism fbs

Item #: 1207743


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Erzahlende Prosa und andre Schriften

Wieland, Christoph Martin / Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt 1965
1965 printing; 913 pp., plates; hardcover, top edge foxed, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 3538057427
Subject/Keywords: German literature fbs

Item #: 1207749


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Schriften Band 1: Politisch-Zeitkritisches, Philosophisch-Weltanschauliches. Band 2: Literaturkritisch-Publizistisches, Autobiographisch-Itinerarisches. Band 3: Materialien

Karl Ferdinand Gutzkow; Adrian Hummel, hrsg. / Zweitausendeins Frankfurt a.M.. 1998
three volumes, 1949 + 555 pp., hardcovers, very good. Volumes Included: 3

ISBN: 3861502798
Subject/Keywords: german literature fbs

Item #: 1207751


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Aesthetik und liberale Opposition: Zur Rollenproblematik des Schriftstellers in der osterreichischen Literatur um 1848 (Literatur in der Geschichte, Geschichte in der Literatur) (German Edition)

Lengauer, Hubert / Bohlau 1989
258 pp., Paperback, embossment stamp to half title page, else fine. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 3205052102
Subject/Keywords: fbs

Item #: 1207950


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Menschenrechte im Vormarz: Jahrbuch Forum Vormarz Forschung 2018

Schild, Wolfgang / Aisthesis Verlag 2019
292 pp., paperback, fine. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 3849813762
Subject/Keywords: fbs

Item #: 1207949


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Kaiser So und So und Prinzess Gloria: Ein chinesisches Schattenspiel

Scherr, Johannes / Aisthesis Verlag 2019
66 pp., paperback, fine. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 3849813738
Subject/Keywords: fbs drama theater

Item #: 1207947


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Geld und Okonomie im Vormarz: Jahrbuch des Forum Vormarz Forschung 2013

Jutta Nickel / Aisthesis Verlag 2014
390 pp., paperback, minor marginalia, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 3849810267
Subject/Keywords: fbs economics

Item #: 1207946


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Mein lieber Herzensfreund! Briefe an seinen Freund Adolph Hermann Schultz

Friedrich Gerstacker / Friedrich Gerstacker-Gesellschaft 1982
limited to 225 numbered copies; 280 pp., hardcover, edges lightly rubbed, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: german literature fbs

Item #: 1207739


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