Metaphysics of natural complexes

Justus Buchler / Columbia U.P 1966
195 pp., Hardcover, ex library, else text and binding clean and tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: cj3 metaphysics

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Item #: 1290078


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Metaphysics and Religious Language

Frank B. Dilley / Columbia Univ Press 1964
173 pp., Hardcover, ex library, else text and binding clean and tight, lacks dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: cj3 metaphysics

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Item #: 1288338


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The Strangeness of the Ordinary

Coburn, Robert C. / Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 1992
224 pp., Hardcover, ex library, else text and binding clean and tight, lacks dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0847676064
Subject/Keywords: cj3 metaphysics

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Item #: 1288337


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The great triad

Rene Guenon / Quinta Essentia 1991
171 pp., Hardcover, fine in very good dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 1870196066
Subject/Keywords: sam15 metaphysics taoism

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Item #: 1288308


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Droit Naturel: Devoir Religieux, Droit Individuel, Droit Social, Droit Domestique, Droit Civil et Politique, Droit International

A. Castelein / Paris: P. Lethielleux, Libraire-Editeur 1903
first edition, 965 pp., very thick & heavy quarto, gilt stamped 1/2 leather, spine & edges rubbed, marbled boards & endpapers, very minor handstamps, overall good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: roman catholicism ethics law metaphysics philosophy ojj

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Item #: 1082897


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Subjekt und Metaphysik Die Metaphysik des Johannes Buridan

Gerhard Krieger / ASCHENDORFF VERLAG 2003
336 pp., paperback, very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 3402040158
Subject/Keywords: ctt metaphysics

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Item #: 1082208


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Studies in Freedom. From Scientific and Metaphysical Points of View

Sanat Kumar Rai Chaudhury / University of Burdwan 1969
249 pp., Hardcover, dust jacket, ex library, else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: bbw metaphysical

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Item #: 848150


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Esquisses de Philosophie Critique. Nouvelle Edition.

Spir, Africana. / Paris: Felix Alcan, 1930
xvi, 167 pp., original paper wrappers, unopened, text darkened, good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Philosophy Metaphysics FBB

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Item #: 580691


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Raum und Zeit: Eine Untersuchung der Metaphysischen Grundlagen Unserer Naturwissenschaft

Herko Groot / Frankfurt: Holle Verlag 1980
268 pp., hardcover, very good in a good dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: csg metaphysics philosophy

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Item #: 566996


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La Methode en Metaphysique

Balthasar, N. / Louvain 1943
223 pp., paperback, ownership markings, edges rubbed, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Metaphysics Philosophy pd8 cj3

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Item #: 429356


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Creative Thought. With which is Incorporated "Modern Inventions." Vol. II. No, 4. Aug,-Sept., 1925. Edited by J. Aubrey Rees.

NA / London: 1925
12mo, 64 pp, articles on a variety of subjects including the Priory Gate School which featured nude mixed sex bathing and exercise sessions, age spotting, paper wrappers soiled,. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: education metaphysics

Item #: 477928


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Philosophie als Wissenschaft

Carus, Paul / Chicago: Open Court 1911
53 pp., rebound in half leather & cloth covered boards with the original paper wrappers retained, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Philosophy Metaphysics

Item #: 469842


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Moralia: Revista de Ciencias Morales. Nos. 13/14-38/39 (Lacks No. 26)

/ Madrid 1982
Nos. 13/14-38/39, lacking No. 26, else all complete issues, original paper wrappers, minor ownership markings, else good; price is per bibliographic number. Volumes Included: 6

Subject/Keywords: Lat Am Per Philosophy Religion Theology Metaphysics

Item #: 149218

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Quaestionum Metaphysicarum Libri Quinque Auditorum Facultatis Theologicase Oenipotanae Usui Adcommodati.

Limbourg, Maximiliano. / Oeniponte: 1893
356 pp., octavo, ex library, text darkened, still about good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Philosophy Scholasticism Metaphysics

Item #: 622264


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Compendium logicae et metaphysicae. Editio tertia, aucta et emendata.

Jouin, Ludovico (Jouin, Louis) / Neo Eboraci: Ex typis H. I. Hewitt, 1879
small octavo, 292 pp, ex library, original cloth faded and lacks front free endpaper, sound but good only. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: philosophy, metaphysics, logic

Item #: 618938


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Mon Moi dans l'Etre.

Balthasar, N.-J. J. / Louvain: 1946
288 pp. errata sheet laid in, hardcover, top corner bumped, ex library, else text and binding clean and tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Metaphysics Philosophy

Item #: 429353


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l'Enseignement de la Metaphysique, Critiques et Suggestions.

Pirlot, Jules. / Louvain: 1950
122 pp., softcover, ex library, spine and covers worn, textually clean and tight, still good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Education Metaphysics Philosophy

Item #: 493698


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Metafisica ed esperienza religiosa. Archivo di filosofia organo dell'Istituto di Studi Filosofici

Castelli, Enrico, et al. / Roma: Fratelli Bocca 1956
298, [8] (ads) pp, paperback, library markings, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: philosophy, religion, metaphysics

Item #: 587949


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Critica in Usum Scholarum

Josepho de Vries / Herder 1937
176 pp., hardcover, ex library but text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Philosophy Metaphysics Scholasticism

Item #: 632630


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Bibliographie Critique (Archives de Philosophie, Volume VI, Cahier IV)

Bonnet-Eymard, J., et al / Gabriel Beauchesne 1929
published as Archives de Philosophie, vol. 6, cahier 4; crown octavo, 392 pp., original paper wrappers, good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: philosophy metaphysics main

Item #: 496715


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