Annual Report of the Oklahoma State Board of Health 1917

N/A. / Oklahoma City:? 1918
first edition, [ii], 253 pp., octavo, handstamp to front paste down, else very good in original gilt stamped hard covers. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: history of medicine public health disease control csg

Item #: 1086031


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Wilhelm Meise / Die Rohstoffe des Tierreichs ; Bd. 1, 2. Lfg. 1933
1312-1364 pp., Paperback, cover lightly soiled, else text clean and binding tight, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: csg

Item #: 1071398


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Poor's Cumulative Service: Apr 1st-June 30th 1930. [Volume 2].

N/A. / NY: Poor's Publishing Company 1930
first edition, 806, [2], 44 pp., folio, original gilt stamped cloth (hard covers) very slightly discolored or rubbed, overall very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: american economic history banking business csg

Item #: 1084343


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Poor's 1926 [through] 1928 Cumulative [TWELVE VOLUMES!]

N/A. / NY: Poor's Publishing Company 1926
first edition, an uninterrupted run of three complete years, each in four gilt stamped cloth bindings, thick folio, very minor wear to some corners or edges, slight surface discoloration or fading passim, overall very good. Volumes Included: 12

Subject/Keywords: american economic history business big sets csg

Item #: 1070651

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Karte Bulgarien mit Ostrumelien und Turk. Thrakie. 1:864.000. Mit kartographischen und statistischen Beilagen zum Verstandnis der orientalischen Krise

Karl Peucker / Wien: Artaria 1903
color folding map; very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: bulgaria turkey ottoman empire csg

Item #: 1083959


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Price with promotion code: $7.03

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Lebensbilder aus der Tierwelt. Säugetiere Band 1.

/ Leipzig: R. Voigtlander Verlag 1908
vii, [i], 628 pp., large folding chart inside back cover, very well illustrated with halftones from photographs, many tipped, thick & heavy quarto in original hard covers, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: csg natural history mammalogy

Item #: 1082903


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Unsterbliche Opfer. Gefallen im Kampf der Kommunistischen Partei für Österreichs Freiheit.

Kommunistische Partei Österreichs, ed. / Wien: Buch- und Kunstdruckerei Steyrermuhl 1948
first edition, 96 pp., quarto, illustrated, original decorated paper covers darkened & wrinkled or frayed, text tanned, working copy only. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Biography Communism Austria History CSG nazism

Item #: 1082902


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Zoologische Plaudereien. Mit Zeichnungen von Dr. Etzold, E. de Maes u. a. Zweite Reihe. Vierte Sammlung der Plaudereien und Vortrage.

William Marshall / Leipzig: Verlag von A. Twietmeyer 1910
243 pp., illustrated, octavo, original cloth (hard covers) slightly soiled, interior very clean, overall very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: natural history mammalogy ornithology aquatic csg

Item #: 1082901


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Naturgeschichts-Skizzenbuch II. Pflanzen. 1. Sporenpflanzen und Nacktsamige, 2 . Freikronblattrige Pflanzen (Rosenreihe), 3. Feinkronblattrige Pflanzen, Mitelsamige, 4. Feinkronblattrige Pflanzen (Reihe der Saulentrager), 5. Verwachsenkronblattrige Pfla

Ferdinand Strauss / Leipzig/Wien: Franz Deuticke 1930
first edition, six parts, quarto, very well illustrated, original paper covers slightly faded, overall about very good. Volumes Included: 6

Subject/Keywords: plants botany csg

Item #: 1082900


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Der Weg zum Erfolge. Deutsch von Mario Spiro

Verville, Francois Beroalde de. / Berlin: Bruno Cassirer Verlag 1914
German edition, [iv], [498] pp., quarto, original decorated mock vellum covers slightly soiled, text very clean, bright and crisp. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: renaissance literature csg

Item #: 1082852


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Das Problem des Todes und der Unsterblichkeit bei den Pflanzen und Tieren. Mit 32 Abbildungen im Text uns 1 Tafel

Franz Doflein / Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer 1919
first edition, [vi], [120], [2] (ads) pp., later unprinted paper covers, good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: bacteriology natural csg

Item #: 1082851


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Der Islam. Aus dem Englischen übertragen

Deutsch, Emanuel / Ferd. Dümmlers Veragsbuchhandlung, Harrwitz und Großmann 1873
first edition, [ii], 80 pp., quarto, original paper covers slightly chipped at margins, else about good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: islamic religion csg

Item #: 1082829


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Materialien zur Geognosie Oberosterreichs, etx.

Hans Commenda / Linz: 1900
first edition, [iv], 272 pp., one folding plate & two folding charts, quarto, original paper covers now soiled & slightly stained, minor ownership marks, interior good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: geography geology topography mountains austria csg

Item #: 1082825


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Mazedonische Ameisen: Beobachtungen uber ihre Lebensweise. Mit 10 Abbildungen im Text und 16 Abbildungen auf 8 Tafeln

Franz Doflein / Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer 1920
first edition, 74. [2] (ads) pp., quarto, original paper covers very lightly toned & chipped, text tanned, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: natural history entomology csg

Item #: 1080089


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Geologie von Steiermark. Mit 5 Einschaltbildern auf Kunstdruckpapier, 60 figuren im Text, etc.

Franz Heritsch / Graz: Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein fur Steiermark 1921
first edition, 224 pp., well illustrated, folding map inside back cover, original paper covers slightly soiled or toned, minor old moisture rippling passim, untrimmed as issued, good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: geology geography mineralogy austria csg

Item #: 1080088


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Florenreiche der Erde. Darstellung der gegenwartigen Verbreitungsverhaltnisse der Pflanzen, etc. Mit 3 Karten

Oscar Drude / Gotha: Justus Perthes 1884
first edition, [ii], 74 pp., three tinted folding maps, large quarto, original paper covers darkened and slightly frayed, some corners dog-eared, overall good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: botany economic geography food production csg

Item #: 1080037


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Bodenbiologische Studien am Acker und Ackerrain

R. Kohler / Munchen: Bayerirscher Landwirtschaftsverl. 1949
first edition, 56 pp., octavo, illustrated, original paper covers, text slightly tanned, minor ownership markings, good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: biology entomology farming csg

Item #: 1080036


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Gletscherkunde. Mit 5 Abbildungen im Text und 11 Tafeln.

Fritz Machatschek / Leipzig: G. J. Gothen'ische Verlaghandlung 1902
first edition, 125, [5] (ads) pp., advertisements on endpapers, 12mo, original decorated cloth (hard covers), good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: glaciology geography csg

Item #: 1080015


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Geology of the Clearwater Embayment (Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology. Pamphlet 128)

Bond, John G. / Moscow: Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology 1963
first edition, [iii], 83 pp., illustrated with halftones from photographs, drawings, maps and with folding map in envelope inside back cover, original paper covers, about very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: mining geology business csg

Item #: 1076962


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Volcanic History of the Clear Lake Area, California

Charles A. Anderson / Geological Society of America 1936
first separate printing, [34] pp., illustrated with rotogravures from photographs, figures in text, folding map & folding chart, original paper covers, very minor personal ownership marks, about very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: seismology geology earth csg

Item #: 1076961


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Price with promotion code: $14.00

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