Historical Writing in England c. 550 to c. 1307

Gransden, Antonia / Routledge 1974
610 pp., hardcover page edges are age-toned else text clean & binding tight in a chipped dust jacket. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 071007476X
Subject/Keywords: dr4 medieval historiography

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Item #: 1293326


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Pedro Lain Entralgo y la Historiografia Medica. (Discursos.) (Spanish Edition)

Lopez Pinero, Jose Maria / Real Academia de la Historia 2005
120 pp., Paperback, very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 8496849139
Subject/Keywords: glk historiography medical

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Item #: 1228855


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The Calamitous Conflict: An Attempt to Learn Why

E.G. (Jay) Ruoff / Published By the Author 2002
first edition, 90 pp., Paperback, illustrated, NEW. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0961996951
Subject/Keywords: americana civil war historiography

Item #: 1139573


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Le Mystere de l'Histoire: Introduction a Une Conception Christologique du Devenir

Jacques de Senarclens / Geneve/Paris: Editions Roulet 1949
first edition, 369, [5] pp., quarto, later hard covers, library marks, text tanned & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: historiography biblical theology ojj

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Item #: 1124007


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Nouvelles Etudes d'Histoire Presentees au Xe Congres des Sciences Historiques, Rome 1955

N/A. / Bucharest: Editions de l'Academie de la Republique Populaire Roumaine 1955
first edition, 482 pp., quarto, original hard covers, ex library, text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: history historiography stdp

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Item #: 1100727


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The Importance of Historic Research for the Theological Student of To-Day; An Address.

Hugh MacDonald Scott / Chicago: Jameson & Morse, Printers 1882
first edition, 57 pp., tall octavo, original paper covers slightly toned, overall good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: history religion historiography jbrn

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Item #: 1086026


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Liberal Education in a Free Society

Kinney, Laurence Forman / White Plains: Fund for Adult Education 1956
first edition, 78 pp., quarto, original paper covers slightly toned & stained, interior good with minor library markings. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: history of education historiography ojj

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Item #: 1068426


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Paroles et Traits Historiques les plus Remarquables. Nouvelle Edition Augmentee

J. Berthier / Salette/Paris: 1898
736, 19 pp., octavo, later half leather, ex library, text tanned & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: historiography biography ojj

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Item #: 1065333


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Servidumbre Natural y Libertad Cristiana segun los Tratadistas Espanoles de los Siglos XVI y XVII

Zavala, S. / Buenos Aires: Editorial Peuser S. A. 1944
limited to 1250 numbered copies, 112, liv (laminas), [5] pp., softcover, edges rubbed, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: historiography history philosophy hhs16

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Item #: 1047838


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L'Abbe Lionel Groulx

Emile Baumann, intro. / Montreal: Editions de lA. C.-F. 1938
first edition, 66 pp., octavo, softcover slightly soiled, ex library, text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: historiography biography French-Canadian history roman catholicism OJJ

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Item #: 1046129


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Diccionario Historico De Los Mas Ilustres Profesores De Las Bellas Artes En Espana.

Juan Agustin Cean Bermudez, ed. / Madrid: Reales Academias De Bellas Artes de San Fernando Y De La Histori 1965
x, lx, 384, [1] (colophon) pp., softcover, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: historiography hhs16

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Item #: 1045434


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Work in Flux

Emma Greenwood, Klaus Neumann, Andrew Sartori / University of Melbourne 1995
242 pp., rebound in buckram with original paperback retained, ex library, else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 0732512557
Subject/Keywords: hjj historiography

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Item #: 1038186


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The Great Crime of 1914: A Plea for Peace.

Frank M. Franklin / NY: The Knickerbocker Press (G. P. Putnam's Sons) 1914
first edition, [viii], 41 pp., 12mo, softcover, minor library markings, rebacked, good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: world war one historiography zni

Item #: 1013312


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Antonio Mestre Sanchis; Gregorio Mayans y Siscar / Universitat Valenciana 1970
603 pp., rebound in buckram with the original paper wrappers retained (hardcover), previous owner's name to front free endpaper, small bookplate to two endpapers, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: hhs15 spain historiography

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Item #: 1010893


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What Did Macaulay Say About America? Text of Four Letters to Henry S. Randall. Introduction by Harry Miller Lydenberg

Thomas Babington Macaulay / The New York Public Library 1935
27 pp., original paper wrappers with later tape rebacking; good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Historiography Americana zni

Item #: 1003634


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Discursos Leidos en las Sesiones Publicas que para Dar Posesion de Plazas de Numero Ha Celebrado desde 1852 la Real Academia de la Historia

/ Madrid: Imprenta de los Senores Matute y Compagrni 1858
684 pp., rebound in cloth, minor ownership markings, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: historiography hhs15 spain

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Item #: 1003566


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Recherches Historiques, Critiques et Bibliographiques sur Americ Vespuce et Ses Voyages

Vicomte de Santarem / Paris: Arthur-Bertrand 1842
xvi, 7-284 pp., modern full leather, book plate to the front paste down, some foxing, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: americana exploration historiography hhs14

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Item #: 976934


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Helmar Junghans (1931-2010) als Kirchenhistoriker. 2. Leipzeiger Arbeitsgesprach zur Reformation aus Anlass seines 80. Geburtstags

Armin Kohnle / Herbergen der Christenheit 2012
127 pp., Paperback, NEW!!. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: historiography religion cln

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Item #: 977689


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Dawson Newsletter. vol. 5

Society for Christian Culture / Wanderer Forum Foundation 1986
vol. 5, complete volume in original paper wrappers, minor ownership markings, still very good;. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Philosophy History historiography biography

Item #: 972711


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Los Manuscritos del Archivo General y Biblioteca del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores. Catalogo Redactado (Spanish Edition)

Miguel Santiago Rodriguez / Direccion General de Relaciones Culturales 1974
519 pp., Hardcover, foxing to edges and first few leaves, previous owner's name to front endpaper, bookplate to rear paste down, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 8450011736
Subject/Keywords: Hispanic biography historiography history hhs14

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Item #: 971724


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